Health Advice

Nottinghamshire Walk In Centres
These centres offer assessment and treatment for health conditions such as:
- Minor burns or scalds
- Minor head injury with no loss of consciousness
- Skin infections or animal bites
- Suspected broken bones, sprains and strains (X-ray service available)
- Eye infections or minor eye injuries

Dental problems
If you have dental problems, please speak to a dentist. If you don't have a dentist, ring 111.
You can find information about NHS Dentists here.
GPs and GP nurses are not trained in the assessment, diagnosis, or treatment of dental problems.

Eye problems
You should attend Eye Casualty at Queen's Medical Centre if you develop any of the concerning symptoms:
▶ Sudden loss vision
▶ Eye pain
▶ Red eye
▶ Injury to the eye
▶ Foreign body in the eye
Please ring them directly at: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 82882
They are based on A floor at the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Centre (EENT) at QMC from 7.00am - 10.00pm.
If you have a routine eye problem, please visit your opticians.

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